Quality policy


The goal of our company is to maintain the high quality and timeliness of our services and to meet the needs and expectations of our current and future customers in the field of metal machining, laser and locksmithing.

As a company, we aim to maintain and strengthen our high position in the market, as well as to increase customer satisfaction.

Main principles

In order to explore the philosophy of quality management and successfully implement the QMS and its continuous improvement, Top Management follows eight main management principles:

Customer orientation

Strive to understand both the current and future needs of the customer, and aim to meet their requirements while exceeding their expectations.

Constant improvement

A prerequisite for quality management to have a measurable effect is the continuous improvement of the functioning of the entire organization.

Process approach

The desired result is achieved with greater efficiency when activities and related resources are managed as a process.

Involvement of the people

Human resources at all levels are essential to an organization, and their total commitment enables them to utilize their abilities for the benefit of the organization.

A systemic approach to management

Identifying, understanding, and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to an organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its goals.

Making decisions based on facts

Decisions within the organization should be made only on the basis of facts, because their effectiveness depends on the analysis of data and information carried out.

Mutually beneficial ties with suppliers

The organization and its suppliers depend on each other, and mutually beneficial ties enhance the ability of both parties to create value.


Management establishes the unity of purpose and direction of the organization in connection with which they should create such an environment in their organization that will result in the full involvement of employees in achieving the goals of the organization.

Our assumptions

Quality Policy

We are a metalworking company for which quality is a top priority. Our quality policy is based on strict adherence to industry norms and standards, as well as attention to customer satisfaction by providing the highest quality products and services.

We will implement the quality policy through the following strategic objectives:

  • Improve the efficiency of the procurement process by strengthening partnership relations with suppliers
  • Expanding the range of services
  • Implementation of a competitive pricing policy while maintaining high quality , by reducing costs as a result of improved work organization


On behalf of the entire staff and ourselves, we declare to meet the requirements of the Quality Policy and to improve and develop the Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and legal regulations.
Tomasz Maksymiuk
Company Owner
Quality assurance

Our certificates

PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2021-09


PN-EN ISO 9001:2015


EN 15085-2:2020 CL1
